Happy Thursday! Today I wanted to go through some skincare rituals for you that I do on the daily. I’ll be talking about how I wake up, what my skincare routine is, and what products I just can’t live without. But before I get into it all, I need to give a special shout out to my girl Karee Hays who has been my go-to for all things skin in the 4 years I’ve lived in Nashville. Honestly, the life of my skin has changed since first visiting her and using these products!
You’ll hear all about her amazing Hydra Cleanse, Tinkle Razors, and Koji pads in the video, but I do have to emphasize her Koji pads – A.K.A. crack pads. They are thin pads infused with magic that I use all over my face daily. What’s so great is that each set is unique to a person’s skin type. You can either go into Karee’s office so that she can find the right “prescription” for you or for you out of towners, when you purchase online, you’ll fill out a questionnaire so that she can assess your skin beforehand and mix up the perfect strength just for you.
Check out this video for my full morning ritual! That’s not all! Karee is offering all of you 10% off in her store for the next 4 weeks (thru September 13) when you use the code LANDYN10.
Do you use the Tinkle razors on a dry face, wet face, or use any type of shave cream or anything w/ it?
I would love to know how you keep your whites (towels, sheets, pillowcases, sofas, etc.) bright? Please and thank you!
Could you show us exactly how to use the Tinkle?!
Can you share the lip gloss you used?
Hi LH: Love the post! I have a question. How do you use the Tinkle Razors? Do you wash and then use without product? It seems like it needs something to glide well. Let me know – I bought them and the crack pads! Also, do you use the crack pads twice a day or only in the morning? Cannot wait.